Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 22: Gregorian Chant Mass for the Feast of St. Cecilia

Nicolas Poussin 053.jpg
St. Cecilia, Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665)
Monday, November 22, 7:30 P.M.
Sung Traditional Latin Mass
for the Feast of St. Cecilia
Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Harry Neely, O.S.A.
St. Augustine Monastery Chapel

Donations will benefit St. Augustine Monastery

St. Cecilia occupies a special place in our hearts, since she is the patron saint of musicians. Come to St. Augustine's chapel on Monday night and hear the chants of the Traditional Latin Mass celebrating this heroic Roman virgin, who continued to sing praises to God while suffering cruel martyrdom. This event is free and all are welcome.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday, October 31: Vespers of Christ the King

Sunday, October 31, 17:30 (5:30 P.M.)
Vespers of Christ the King
with Commemoration of All Saints
Hebdomadary: Rev. Carl N. Gismondi, Jr., F.S.S.P.

This year Vespers of Christ the King supersede First Vespers of All Saints, which retain a commemoration. Bring your Sunday to a peaceful conclusion by joining the Brothers of the Little Oratory and Chorus Breviarii, who have been invited to St. Anne church to sing the traditional Vespers service in Gregorian chant. This event is free and all are welcome to attend.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Photos of Requiem Mass for Fr. Day

Although yesterday Fratellino couldn't be there to direct us, I think that we menaged to commend Fr. Day's soul to God in a reverent and graceful way.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010: Requiem Mass for the Rev. Fr. Dudley Day, O.S.A.

Rev. L. Dudley Day, O.S.A., died October 3, 2009

Saturday, October 23, 10:00
Sung Traditional Requiem Mass
for the repose of the soul of the

Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Harry Neely, O.S.A.
St. Augustine Monastery Chapel

Donations will benefit St. Augustine Monastery

This Saturday a Latin Requiem Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite will be sung for the benefit of the recently deceased Fr. Dudley Day, O.S.A.
Come to St. Augustine's chapel and hear the hauntingly beautiful Gregorian chants of the traditional Requiem, a pinnacle of Western civilization, expressing a whole array of human emotions in front of death: grief, hope, fear, and peace

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Brother's October Mass for Bl. John Henry Newman, Confessor

The October Mass for the Brothers of the Little Oratory in San Diego was held on Saturday 9 October at St. Augustine's Monastery Chapel, in honor of Bl. John Henry Cardinal Newman. The mass was celebrated in the Extradordinary Form of the Roman Rite, the form solely familiar to Bl. Newman, and to which he dedicated so much love and care. Music provided by the assembled Brothers included the hymn "Lead Kindly Light," harmonized for four male voices; the propers of the mass were Os justi" taken from the Common of a Confessor not a Bishop; and the ordinary was Mass VI from the Gregorian kyriale. Following the Last Gospel, Fr. Harry Neely O.S.A. intoned the Salve Regina, as is customary at masses in England, and pronounced the collect. Lastly, Bl. Cardinal Newman's great hymn "Praise to the Holiest" comprised the recessional, sung to the tune by Sir Richard Runciman Terry, first director of the Westminster Cathedral Choir in London.

This was the Brothers' first "Newman Mass" celebrated following the venerabile's Beatification, held at Birmingham during the recent visit of the Holy Father to Britain. Recently shrines to Bl. Newman have been formally erected at the Birmingham, London, and Oxford Oratories. The Brothers hope to make some contribution to the cost of the shrine at London, through fundraising to be undertaken during the coming year.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 10:00: Mass in Honor of Bl. John Henry Newman.

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(John Henry Newman, by Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Bt)

Saturday, October 9, 10:00
Votive Mass in the Extraordinary Form

Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Harry Neely, O.S.A.

Donations will benefit St. Augustine Monastery

Come and join us this Saturday to honor the newly beatified John Card. Newman, the great Victorian theologian and founder of the Oratory in England. The Mass Os Justi, will be sung in Gregorian chant in the meditation-inducing atmosphere of St. Augustine Monastery chapel. This event is free, but donation will benefit St. Augustine Monastery.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Gold Roman-cut chasuble set for the Feast.

Fr. Neely, O.S.A., prepares the sacred vessels for the Sacrifice.

The Psalmists musically prepare for the mass.

Alleluia. V. Augustine lux doctorum.

Chapel of St. Augustine Priory.

Psalmist in Choir.

Psalmist receiving Holy Communion.

Fr. Neely, O.S.A., blesses the Psalmists post-mass.

Details from a Priory chalice based on the design of the "Ardagh Chalice".

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Missa Cantata for the Patronal Feast of St. Augustine of Hippo


Saturday, August 28, 11:00
Mass in the Extraordinary Form
for the Feast of St. Augustine

Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Harry Neely, O.S.A.

Donations will benefit St. Augustine Monastery

Come and join us to celebrate the feast of this great saint and, arguably, the most influential thinker in Western thought. The Mass will be sung in Gregorian chant and it represents a unique opportunity to hear the sequence of St. Augustine, De profundis tenebrarum. Sequences are medieval liturgical hymns to be sung before the Gospel. They were almost completely eliminated after the Council of Trent (1545-1563) because, despite their undeniable orthodoxy, great beauty, and piety, their extra-biblical origin made them an easy target for the Protestant revolutionaries. Fr. Neely, our celebrant, is an Augustinian monk and enjoys the privilege of his order of using the ancient sequence on the feast day of their patron saint.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More Images From First Vespers of the Assumption 2010

Towards the nave from behind the altar.

The Pslamists after completing vespers.

Fr. Victor Szczurek, O. Præm. vests for vespers.

The Psalmists have a quick rehearsal in the gardens prior to vespers.

After vespers inthe sacristy, de-vesting.

Sacristerial effects: Monstrance, stole, cotta, biretta, crucifix.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Assumption Vespers Report

Assumption Vespers were sung in the historic Serra Chapel of the Mission San Juan Capistrano on the evening of 14 August, 2010, before an enthusiastic congregation numbering some sixty to seventy. The Brothers of the Little Oratory were joined by members of Una Voce Orange County, making up the number of the liturgical choir to an impressive eighteen. Fr. Victor Sczurek, O.Praem., served as Hebdomadarius and performed the Benediction. Also in choir was Br. Aiden of the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem. The Vespers were accompanied from the loft-organ, and the singing from both liturgical choir and congregation was at once tuneful and assertive throughout.

This occasion marked the second time that liturgical vespers have been sung before the beautiful gilt altar of the Serra Chapel, and it is hoped that another vespers occasion will be forthcoming in the near future. Afterwards a large impromptu gathering of the singers and congregants was held in a local restaurant, rounding out the beginning of Our Lady's great feast with splendid good-fellowship. More photos as they become available.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Assumption Vespers and Benediction at Mission San Juan Capistrano

The Brothers of the Little Oratory in San Diego, in conjunction with members of Una Voce Orange County, will sing First Vespers of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Serra Chapel of the Mission San Juan Capistrano, Saturday evening 14 August, 2010, at 7:30pm. The celebrant for the Vespers will be one of the Norbertine (O.Praem) fathers of St. Michael's Abbey. The traditional Vespers will be sung in Latin with organ accompaniment, and translational booklets will be available. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will follow immediately after the conclusion of Vespers.
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Visitor from London Presides at Vespers

On Sunday, 11 July 2010, the Brothers of the Little Oratory sang Vespers in St. Augustine's Monastery Chapel, with Fr. Christopher Basden as Hebdomadary. Father Basden has for the past fifteen years been pastor of St. Bede's parish, Clapham Park, which is a suburb of London, England, and part of the Archdiocese of Southwark. St. Bede's is a vibrant South London parish, which includes the Traditional mass in its Sunday morning schedule, as well as weekly Vespers, and a daily Extraordinary Form mass in the Lady Chapel. Easily accessible from London's Victoria station, St. Bede's is a "must attend" for American Catholics in London. For more information see their impressive website at:


Fr. Basden came to the U.S. on his summer holiday, and made several stops on his tour, including the convent of the Handmaids of Mary at Camarillo, a group of Spanish nursing nuns who have a convent in St. Bede's parish. While there Fr. Basden was able to attend the solemn profession of one of the sisters.

Father then journeyed down from the Los Angeles area, stopping to see the missions at La Purissima, San Buenaventura, San Fernando Rey, San Gabriel, San Juan Capistrano, and San Louis Rey (though not all in one day!). While in San Diego he visited the mission San Diego de Alcala, and said mass at St. Augustine's and Our Lady of Refuge.

Fr. Basden devoted his last afternoon and evening to the Brothers, singing Vespers and Benediction at St. Augustine's, then retiring to Pacific Beach where he led shortened Oratorian "garden" exercises (as is the custom of the Brothers in summer), joined tbe Brother for tea, offered spiritual counsel in the form of an impromptu "fervorino", and later led traditional Gregorian compline in the house chapel.

Following his visit to San Diego, Fr. Basden has travelled on to spend a much needed week in retreat with the Benedictines of Clear Creek Monastery in Eastern Oklahoma. The Brothers of the Little Oratory in San Diego hope that his visit to San Diego will be one that Fr. Basden will not soon forget, and one which he will perhaps repeat without extensive delay.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Vespers of the 7th Sunday after Pentecost

The Cross as the new Tree of Life.
Detail of the mosaic in the apse of the Basilica of St. Clement, Rome (XII century)

Sunday, July 11, 2:30 P.M.
Vespers of the 7th Sunday after Pentecost
with Gregorian chant psalmody.
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Hebdomadary: Rev. Fr. Christopher Basden

Join the Brothers of the Little Oratory in San Diego and Chorus Breviarii for an afternoon of quiet meditation at St. Augustine's Monastery chapel, where they will sing Vespers (Evening prayer) of the 7th Sunday after Pentecost and Benediction. Translational booklets and hymn sheets will be freely available. There is no charge but donations are always gratefully accepted.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Philiptide Mass Videos from 2010

St. Philip's feast was celebrated this year, 2010, with a Solemn High Mass in St. Joseph's Cathedral in San Diego. The following links will provide views of three excerpts from the mass, which hopefully hint at things to come!

Deo Gratias!

Philiptide and Spring Review

The Brothers of the Little Oratory were pleased to celebrate their Eighth Annual tide of St. Philip Neri in St. Joseph's Cathedral, this past 4 & 5 June, 2010. The services included Solemn 1st Vespers of St. Philip sung Friday evening, the psalms and canticle of which were sung using the setting of W. A. Mozart, the "Solemn Vespers of a Confessor" K 3.39. This is believed to be the first recorded local use of Mozart's famous Vespers in their liturgical setting. The Thomas Luis de Victoria choir featured Mary Anne Carr-Wilson as soprano soloist, Dr. Alison Luedecke accompanied on the Cathedral's 1931 Austin pipe organ, and John Polhamus conducted. Audio clips will be made available shortly.

The following day at 2:00pm Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite was sung in the Cathedral. Fr. Victor Sczurek, O.Praem. celebrated, assisted by Fr. Justin Ramos, O.Praem. as deacon, and Mr. James Crittenden, sub-deacon. The Brothers were indispensably assisted by one of their own in the role of MC, by Mr. Ashly Paver of Cincinnati, OH, who made the journey westward to once again join the chapter for the annual observances. The music for the mass was sung by a three-voice schola of the Victoria Choir, and included the Byrd "Mass for Three Voices" and the full Gregorian propers for the mass of St. Philip Neri.

This brings the activities of the Brothers into summer time, when weekly rehearsals will be suspended in favor of weekly semi-private vespers, and Brother's "Garden Exercizes." This spring has been an active one for the Brothers, and Brothers liturgical activities have included:

~ The 10th Consecutive Traditional Tenebrae, sung at St. John the Evangelist in University Heights, featuring choral contributions from the La Jolla Renaissance Singers. A promotional video featuring musical highlights of this year's particularly rich musical offerings is being prepared with the assistance of Mr. Steve Marshall, a graduate of John Paul the Great Catholic University. The video promises to offer some of the best representation to date of the Brother's liturgical activities

~ The 24th Anniversary of the monthly Rosary Procession at the University of San Diego's Immaculata Parish Church, featuring the Brothers processing in robes of the Archconfraternity of the Most Precious Blood;

~ Gregorian contributions to the 1st Communion Mass for St. Joseph's Academy in Vista. This mass featured the 1st communion of the daughter of postulant Jon T. Velasco. The Brothers sang on behalf of a capacity congregation at St. Mark's Catholic Church in San Marcos, and were able to enhance the solemnity of the Ordinary Form mass for parents and communicants alike, offering many their first experience of liturgical chant. If actions follow initial reactions, we may hope to invited back next year, or even sooner. This was a fine example of the Brother's musico-liturgical apostolate in action.

~ The 1st Annual Brother's Rummage Sale.

~ The Eighth Annual Philiptide celebrations and Annual General Meeting of the Brothers. New officers were elected for proposal to the Father Prefect in London, and will be published upon approval.

~ And singing for the mass of Solemn Profession of Vows by Br. Ronald Custorio, O.S.A. at St. Augustine's Monastery Chapel. The Brothers sang Kyrie VI, and the Sanctus and Agnus of Mass VIII, along with Gregorian propers and a variety of Gregorian communion motets. At the generous barbecue buffet which followed, it was duly noted that the fine fare was provided by none other than "Phil's" Barbecue. The proprietor was duly provided with a Philiptide prayer-card, and introduced to the business' logical patron!

And with that, the Brothers come into the summer break, which gives us a chance to reflect on the exertions of the Fall and Spring, and to recharge our batteries for the coming season. We of course thank all those who have assisted us in our apostolate this past year, and hope that you will consider helping us again in the future. We offer prayers for all our benefactors, and request the same in return. We wish you a sun-burnished summer, leisure to enjoy it, the Blessings of our Lord and the intercessions of our Lady, St. Philip Neri, and all the saints. Summer is here: "Allegramente! Allegramente!"