Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Saturday, Jan. 25: Mass of the Conversion of St. Paul

Conversion of Saul (c. 1542-1545)
Michelangelo (1475-1564)

Saturday, January 25, 9:00 AM

Sung Traditional Latin Mass of the
Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle

Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Earl Eggleston

The Brothers of the Little Oratory will once again be singing for one of Fr. Eggleston's Masses at St. Anne Catholic Church in Logan Heights. Come and celebrate the conversion of Saul of Tarsus from the Pharisees' chief agent of persecution against the early Church to the blessed Doctor of the Gentiles. Let us pray that through the conversion of St. Paul, all nations, including our own, may convert unto Christ, the Light of revelation to the Gentiles.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Dr. Mahrt's Requiem at the Mission Dolores

On Thursday, January 10, one of the Brothers and a postulant drove up north to sing for the Solemn High Requiem of Dr. William Peter Mahrt, president of the Church Music Association of America (CMAA) and a publisher for New Liturgical Movement. The Requiem took place in the basilica church of the Mission Dolores (Misión San Francisco de Asís), adjacent to the much older 1776 adobe chapel originally used by Franciscan missionaries. Mary Ann Carr-Wilson, who in the past has collaborated frequently with the Brothers, was one of the singers our envoys recognized at the Requiem. Many of the others who sang for the funeral were students of Dr. Mahrt while he taught at Stanford University. Two obituaries; a sermon from His Excellency the Most Reverend Msgr. Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, who preached before the absolution; and other related articles are available in the links below.

All who served the Mass that day (MC, crucifer, etc.) appeared to be priests. Two deacons sat in choro alongside Abp. Cordileone in choir dress, Fr. Joseph Illo of Star of the Sea Church, a Norbertine from St. Michael's Abbey, a Dominican friar, and other clerics. Another elderly Dominican friar sat in the nave of the basilica with a walker. The vestment set worn included a Neri-style chasuble.

Some Photos from Karolina Zapolska

The full photo album from Dr. Mahrt's funeral can be viewed at the bottom of the CMAA obituary, as well as on CMAA's Facebook.

Photos from the Mission Complex

The following photos were taken in various parts of the Mission complex before the Mass. Aside from the basilica church and the chapel, the complex also includes a museum and a cemetery. The cemetery's burials include Costanoan Indians converted by the Franciscans, Spanish colonial officials, as well as American-era Irish and Italian settlers.

A replica Costanoan hut

Grave of two baptized Costonoans

A bugia

Preparations for Mass

A kneeler used by JP2

Side altar of the adobe chapel

Our Lady of Refuge,
Patroness of California

A reliquary of St. Junipero Serra

Singing Materials and Dr. Mahrt's Favorite Motets List

At the funeral reception, some of the singers joined in singing Dr. Mahrt's favorite motets, which are listed below: 
  • Caeleste beneficium (Jean Mouton)
  • Sicut cervus (Palestrina)
  • O magnum mysterium (Victoria)
  • O Salutaris Hostia (La Rue)
  • Christum ducem (Josquin des Prez)

The program for the Mass and other printed materials can also be found in the photos above. Helen Waddell's (d. 1965) English translation of a hymn from Prudentius, the Roman Christian poet who wrote Corde natus, was included at the end of the Mass booklet. In fact, it is listed as Hymn X in the Liber Cathemerinon, immediately after Hymn IX, Corde natus. The original Latin text and the English text from the booklet can be found in the links below.

A Quote from St. Philip

"If God be with us, there is no one else left to fear."

From the January 10 entry of
the Maxims and Sayings of St. Philip Neri

Translated by the Rev. Fr. F.W. Faber, Cong. Orat.

Requiescat in pace.

Monday, January 6, 2025

A White Elephant for D.C.

Whether Cardinal McElroy's promotion from the humble Diocese of San Diego to the prestigious Archdiocese of Washington leads to greater liberties for Chorus Breviarii and even better prospects for the foundation of an Oratory in San Diego remains to be seen.

A blessed Epiphany to all, especially the Brothers of the Little Oratory in D.C.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Deo Gratias to 2024 (Pt. 2)

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
to all of our supporters!

An All Hallows After-Party

Photos and Comment from Fratellino:

"First Vespers was followed by some high-calorie festivities... and the evening ended with sung Compline. Now THAT was an All Hallows Eve!"

Vespers of the Dead from Megan

Thank you to Megan Palihnich for providing photos and videos of our Chorus Breviarii members (sans Brothers) singing Vespers of the Dead to gain indulgences for the souls in Purgatory at Old Calvary Cemetery.

More Scenes from Martinmas

Our photographer for our celebration of Martinmas at Walsingham Burrow, Frater Jon T. Velasco, has provided us with these images from both the Vespers service and the splendid supper, which included goose, stuffing, and spätzle, alongside other wonderful dishes!

Still more photos from 2024 to come!