Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Events for All Saints and All Souls

Friday, November 2, 19:30 (19:30 PM)
Sung Traditional Requiem Mass 

Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Burt J. Boudoin
990 Saturn Blvd, San Diego, CA 92154

Please join us on October 31, at 19:30 (7:30) at Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Little Italy to celebrate Vespers of All Saints followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Then, on November 2, same time but at St. Charles in Imperial Beach the Traditional Latin Mass will be offered for the repose of all the faithful departed. The Brothers and friends will sing chant and serve in both events. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Video of Votive Mass of St. Philip Neri

Courtesy of SolicitorPsalmist

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Monday, October 22: Votive Mass. of St. Philip Neri

File:Conca, Sebastiano - The Madonna Appearing to St. Philip Neri - Google Art Project.jpg
Conca, Sebastiano (1680 - 1764)
The Madonna Appearing to St. Philip Neri

Monday, October 22, 19:30 (7:30 P.M.)

Sung Votive Mass of St. Philip Neri 
in the Traditional Roman Rite

 Celebrant: Rev. Fr. John Lyons, F.S.S.P.
Because in the traditional Roman calendar May 26 was this year an Ember Day of Pentecost, we could not celebrate the feast day of our holy patron, St. Philip Neri. Therefore we honor him belatedly with a votive sung Mass. We are very grateful to Fr. Lyons, the pastor, for offering the Sacrifice on our behalf and also for granting us the use of St. Anne Catholic Church. The brothers will serve and sing the chants of the Mass. Please join us.
Text with translation for mobile devices.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Saturday, October 20: Traditional Requiem Mass

Pontifikalni rekvijem
Traditional Requiem Mass,
Chiesa della Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, Rome

Saturday, October 20, 9:30 (A.M.)

Traditional Requiem Mass
preceded by the Office of Lauds 

 Celebrant: H.E. Mons. Salvatore Cordileone
Archbishop of San Francisco

Map of 1001 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas, CA 92024

Please join us on Saturday, Oct 20. at St. John the Evangelist in Encinitas for a solemn celebration of the Traditional Requiem Mass as in the picture above. The Tomás Luis de Victoria choir will sing the polyphonic ordinary composed by the composer after whom they are named. The Brothers and Chorus Breviarii, beside serving, will also sing the office of Lauds beforehand, the Gradual, and the Tract. The service starts at 9:30.

Text of Lauds with translation for mobile devices.
Text of Requiem Mass with translation for mobile devices.