Thursday, March 28, 2019

Wednesday, April 17: Tenebrae

File:Dürer - Der Schmerzensmann.jpg
Man of SorrowAlbrecht Dürer, 1511, woodcut

Wednesday, April 17, 19:00 (7:00 PM)


Hebdomadary: Rev. Fr. Andrew Bartus

"Tenebrae" is the sung offices of Matins and Lauds of each of the three days of the Sacred Triduum.  Parts of the services will be performed in Gregorian chant, parts in sacred polyphony, parts in our own tones. There is no charge for admission.

Text with translation for printing or mobile devices (1st part). 
Text with translation for printing or mobile devices (2nd part). 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Photos of Vespers

Images are courtesy of Rev. Fr. Philip Yang, O.S.A.

(Courtesy Anonymous)

Sunday, March 3, 2019

March Lent Events: Saturday, 23: Sung Mass; Sunday 24: Sung Vespers.

Horst, Gerrit Willemsz. - Isaac blessing Jacob - Google Art Project
Horst, Gerrit Willemsz. (c.1612 - 1652)
Isaac blessing Jacob

Saturday, March 23, 10:30 (AM)
Sung Mass for the Saturday after the 2nd Sunday of Lent
Station at Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
in the Extraordinary Form
Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Burt J. Boudoin

On Saturday March 23, we invite you to St. Charles Borromeo in Imperial Beach. You will have the rare opportunity to attend a Sung Mass in the Traditional Roman Rite for a Feria of Lent. In fact, for each week day of Lent, the Mass has its own proper. On the Saturday after the 2nd Sunday of Lent, the readings contrast two sets of conflicting brothers: Jacob vs. Esau and the prodigal son vs. his brother, while the rest of the proper celebrates the mercy of God towards all His children. Hear all this in Gregorian Chant!

Text with translation for printing or mobile devices.

A mute demoniac is healed
Jerome Nadal, S.J. (1507-1580)

Sunday, March 24, 15:00 (3:00 PM)
 Vespers of the 3rd Sunday of Lent
with Commemoration of the Annunciation
followed by Benediction
Hebdomadary: Rev. Fr. Carlos J. Medina, O.S.A.

Map of 3585 30th St, San Diego, CA 92104

Then, on the following day, join us at  St. Patrick Catholic Church in North Park and attend Vespers with Benediction. Our Lord, being true God and true man, heals by the word of His mouth a demoniac mute. Blessed be the Mother of God, who heard and kept the Incarnate Word of God and whose Annunciation we also celebrate! Hear the mystery enfolding through Gregorian chant.