Sunday, September 22, 2013

Vespers of the XVIII Sunday after Pentecost

A group shot after Vespers with Fr. Eugene Sta.Ana at St. Vincent de Paul in Mission Hills. Father is wearing our new green cope.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 22: Vespers of the XVIII Sunday after Pentecost

Unknown Artist. Christ Heals the Paralytic.
Basilica di Sant’Apollinare in Nuovo. Ravenna, Italy. 6th century

Sunday, September 22, 15:00 (3:00 PM)

 Vespers of the 18th Sunday after Pentecost
with Benediction
Hebdomadary: Fr. Eugene Sta.Ana

4080 Hawk St, San Diego, CA 92103

Join us at St. Vincent de Paul church to celebrate traditional Vespers in Gregorian chant!  Thus writes St. Hilary of  Poitiers (c. 300 – c. 368)  about the healing  of the paralytic, which we find in the Gospel of the 18th Sunday after Pentecost: In this paralytic the whole Gentile world is offered for healing, he is therefore brought by the ministration of Angels; he is called Son, because he is God’s work; the sins of his soul which the Law could not remit are remitted him; for faith only justifies. Lastly, he shews the power of the resurrection, by taking up his bed, teaching that all sickness shall then be no more found in the body. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Cope Is Blessed Before Liturgical Use

On Sunday 01 September 2013, after the monthly visit to sing for the veteran's mass at Cal*Vets Home in Chula Vista, Catholic Chaplain Rev. Burt Boudoin, also the Associate Pastor of St. Charles Parish in Imperial Beach, performed the Blessing of Priestly Vestements from the Rituale Romanum on the Brother's newly acquired green cope and matching stole. The cope set will be used especially in the celebration of the Office of Vespers during Ordinary Time.