Saturday, October 31, 2020

Images of Vespers of All Saints

Courtesy: Mrs. Pecoraro
Cortesy: SollicitorPsalmist
Courtesy: hoklochen
Courtesy: Fratellino

Monday, October 12, 2020

Events for All Saints and All Souls

Mestre da Família Artés - Juízo Final
Maestro d'Artés
The Last Judgment and the Mass of Saint Gregory

Saturday, October  31, 15:00 (3:00 P.M.)
First Vespers of All Saints with Benediction
Hebdomadary: Rev. Fr. Raymond Philip Napuli

Monday, November 2, 18:30 (6:30 PM)
Sung Traditional Requiem Mass
immediately followed by 
Vespers of the Dead

Celebrant: Rev. Burt J. Boudoin

990 Saturn Blvd, San Diego, CA 92154

We heartily invite you to join us in the celebration of the feast of All Saints and in the commemoration of All Souls:
On Saturday, October 31, First Vespers of All Saints will be sung at St. Patrick in North Park
On Monday, November 2, a Sung Requiem will be offered at St. Charles in Imperial Beach. The Jubilate Deo Choir, a Youth Schola with fifty students from all over San Diego, led by Choir Mistress Mary Ann Carr Wilson, will sing the ordinary and proper of the Mass. Immediately afterwards, Vespers of the Dead will be sung. Please notice the times in the body of the message.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Friday, October 9: Sung Mass of St. John Henry Newman

John Henry Newman by Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Bt
St. John Henry Newman
by Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Bt (died 1896)

 Friday, October 9, 12:00 (Noon)

Sung Mass of the Feast of St. John Henry Newman
in the Extraordinary Form

Join us this Friday at noon for a sung Tridentine Latin Mass for the feast of the recently canonized St. John Henry Newman, prolific theologian, convert from Anglicanism, and founder of the Birmingham Oratory. The brothers will sing the proper and ordinary in Gregorian chant as well as minister to the celebrant, the rev. Raymond Philip Napuli. 

*  The link provides the text of the Mass of St. Hyacinth, which is identical except for the collect. The collect of St. John Henry Newman is the following;

Deus, qui beátum Ioánnem Henrícum, presbýterum, lumen benígnum tuum sequéntem pacem in Ecclésia tua inveníre contulísti, concéde propítius, ut, eius intercessióne et exémplo, ex umbris et imagínibus in plenitúdinem veritátis tuae perducámur.

O God, who granted blessed John Henry, a priest following Your kindly light, to find peace in Your Church, graciously vouchsafe, by his intercession and example, that we may be drawn from shadows and shades into the fullness of Your truth.
Translation by Fr. Z.