Thursday, August 29, 2024

Saturday, Sep. 7: Diaconal Ordination of Dr. Don Palencia

St. Peter consecrates Stephen as Deacon (c. 1447-1449)
Fra Angelico (c. 1395 - 1455), Niccoline Chapel fresco

Saturday, September 7, 13:00 (1:00 PM)

Diaconal Ordination of Dr. Don Palencia
for the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair
of St. Peter in the Anglican Use

Celebrant: The Most Rev. Steven Joseph Lopes

The father of Gabriel Palencia of Chorus Breviarii Murrieta will be ordained a deacon on the 1st Saturday of September by the Most Rev. Stephen J. Lopes, Bishop-Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, a special diocese covering the United States and Canada that ministers to those tied to the Anglican Use of the Roman Rite. While ordinations are usually performed at the Ordinariate's Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston, TX, Bishop Lopes has received permission from the Norbertines of St. Michael's Abbey to use the abbey church for this year's ceremonies. The ceremony will begin at 1pm and will be followed by a reception in the abbey's courtyard. Our own Fratellino will be directing music for the Anglican Use Mass, and we may even hear some organ playing from Chorus Breviarii member Sam. Come join us for this joyful occasion!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Gaudete Party 2023

 After a long delay, we present to you the photos from our Gaudete party during Advent 2023. We also have a previous post from December 2023 about this linked here: 2023-12-18.

The festivities of our Gaudete Sunday supper at Walsingham Burrow began with Vespers, with organ accompaniment from Fratellino. The Brothers and Chorus Breviarii sat to the sides as if seated in choir stalls, while family and friends sat facing the altar.

Fratellino warms up the Yamaha while sporting a Gaudete rose-colored tie.

Following Vespers was supper, which included an oniony soup, pancit, and various kinds of latkes. Our drink selection included eggnog to enjoy with bourbon, as well as other liquors. A potpourri sat simmering on the stove. 

Our dessert for the night was Christmas pudding, drowned in rum and set ablaze by our hosts. A delicious butter infused with liquor (I believe it was bourbon but I don't quite remember) was also included to top our slices of pudding. While Epiphany was yet to come, there was also a rosca de reyes included among our desserts. 

Fratellino entertained us with his playing on the Yamaha. We don't quite remember what sort of classic carols were played that day, but we do remember hearing some of Vince Guaraldi's works from A Charlie Brown Christmas, as well as the parody of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" that debuted at the Legatus Epiphany Party. 

As a final note, some of the Brothers and Chorus Breviarii got to enjoy a night by the fireplace during Christmastide!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Some Oratorian Summer Recreation

This past Friday, the Brothers and postulants, alongside family and friends, engaged in pious activities and pleasant recreation typical of the Oratorians during summertime. One of the Brothers hosted Exercises, recreation, and dinner at his house. As our postulant Marlon recounts, the younger guests took rides in the Model A and swam in the pool to cool down in the Southern California heat. Pimm's and lemonade was enjoyed at the dinner table, as at Vespers of St. Peter in Chains, and the main course was salmon. The night concluded with Complin.

From Fratellino:

"Brothers and postulants' summer recreational, which included 1914 Model-T Towne-Car driving lessons, backyard Olympic sports, and Gregorian Compline. And Pimm's!"

Courtesy: Fratellino

Courtesy: visionaryarts100

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Scenes from St. Peter in Chains 2024 (Pt. 2)

Thank you to Megan Palihnich for the photos from our Vespers service. We will also be posting more videos later this month.

Aside from Fr. Valenzuela of St. Anne's, we were also joined by two seminarians of the F.S.S.P., who were visiting as instructors for the parish's annual Chant Camp. A parishioner entering the F.S.S.P. seminary next month also joined us for Vespers as he did for the Feast of the Ascension.

Fr. Valenzuela dons his Spanish biretta (bonete), while the two seminarians flanking him wear the more common French / Italian biretta.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Scenes from St. Peter in Chains 2024 (Pt. 1)


Courtesy: Marlon

"Pimm's and Salad: good, and good FOR you!!"

Some Pimm's as a reward for organ playing

Courtesy: Fratellino