Friday, October 11, 2024

Saturday, Oct. 12: Low Mass for Our Lady of the Pillar

La Virgen del Pilar, 1780
Ramón Bayeu (1744-1793)

 Saturday, October 12, 9:00 AM

Traditional Latin Low Mass of
Our Lady of the Pillar

Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Jesus Valenzuela, F.S.S.P.

Christopher Columbus' arrived in the New World on October 12, 1492, the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Pillar. Come and celebrate Columbus Day weekend with a special Votive Mass offered for her intercession as Patroness of the lands and peoples of the former Spanish Empire. The earliest known Marian apparition, the Mother of God appeared while still alive on earth to St. James the Great when he was preaching in Roman Hispania. Standing upon a pillar and bilocating between both Hispania and Jerusalem, the Blessed Virgin encouraged St. James in his difficult efforts to convert the heathens. For this reason, both her and St. James (Santiago) are beloved patrons of Spain and the Spanish Empire. Let us pray for California and the rest of the Americas, that they be converted from great evils to the Lord.

UPDATE (11 Oct.): Due to a sudden scheduling conflict, this Mass has been changed to a Low Mass with votive chants during Offertory and Communion.

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