Gold vestments and occassional Holy Cards are made ready.
Frater George-P. prepares the thurible for mass.
Sacristerial effects to be used for the Holy Sacrifice. Chalice, paten, burse, cruets, missal stand, veils, linens, ablution bowl, host, &tc...
Relic of Our Holy Father, St-Philip Neri, Confessor and Founder of the Congregation of the Oratory.
Inside the sacristy of St-John the Evangelist Church, University Heights, San Diego.
At the High Altar, before mass.
Fraters Roberto-L and George-P rehearse the acolytle and thurifer functions.
Frater David-L. also rehearses.
Translation literature for the Ordinary and Propers of the Mass.
Schola sings "Mass for Three Voices" by William Byrd.
The High Altar of St-John the Evangelist Church.
Frater Tom-G in prayer before mass.
Frater George-P stokes the thurible embers.
Fr. Harry Neely, O.S.A., vests just before mass.
Fraters James-C, Tom-G and Jon-V attently participate in the Holy Sacrifice.
The Brothers chant the Mass Propers.
Chanting from the Oratorian Graduale.
During the Canon of the Mass.
After the Final Blessing, a young girl venerates of the Relic of St. Philip Neri.
Celebrant and Acolytes pose after Mass.
The Brothers with their Chaplain emeritus after Mass.
Now that Mass and photos are completed, Fr. Neely can finally unvest.