Monday, November 14, 2022

Scenes from St. Didacus 2022

The current progress of an informal study conducted by one of our Chorus Breviarii members has revealed some rather lamentable results on the liturgical situation in the Diocese of San Diego. After collating information from the bulletins, parish calendars, Facebook posts, and websites of about 60% of the parishes and communities in the Diocese of San Diego (there are about 98 parishes in the diocese), it was found that as few as SIX parishes celebrated the Feast of the Diocesan Patron, St. Didacus. Two of those six were churches already dedicated to St. Didacus, and were thus already obligated to celebrate his feast day, while another one of those six was the designated TLM parish of the diocese. In the post-COVID era, archived livestreams have provided insight into how other parishes run their liturgies, and at least SIX parishes did NOT celebrate the Feast of St. Didacus, a fact easily seen through video of these parish priests wearing green vestments on Monday, November 7th (St. Didacus' Feast Day in the New Liturgy), rather than white. Numerous bulletins and even parish calendars made no reference to the Feast Day, even listing the names of other Saints on November 7th or simply labeling it a normal weekday. The results of the informal study will be published soon. 

Students from JP2 Catholic University

Courtesy: Fratellino

Considering how few churches acknowledged the existence of a Feast of St. Didacus this year, whether out of laziness or ignorance, it would be safe to assume that Fratellino's conjecture that we were the only ones to celebrate our Diocesan Patron's First Vespers liturgically is true! May the holy St. Didacus continue to pray for our diocese, especially so that the poor souls within the diocesan boundaries may even acknowledge the fact that he is there in heaven interceding for us!

Courtesy: Carlos Pedro

1 comment:

bedwere said...

This blog has definitely improved: posts are longer and more interesting!