Monday, May 27, 2024

Better futures for Philipmas

Buona Festa!

With the Octave of Pentecost complete and Trinity Sunday falling on our holy founder's dies natalis, today is celebrated the transferred Solemnity of our beloved St. Philip, who was truly filled with the gifts of the same Holy Ghost we celebrated over the past week. With the unjust restrictions on the traditional rites in our diocese, openly celebrating Philiptide with the bare minimum of either Vespers or St. Philip's distinctive Oratorian Mass has become very difficult. We look forward to the day that we are once again able to celebrate our founder's cheer and spirituality with events like Musical Oratory, Solemn Vespers, and the celebration of Mass, even at St. Joseph's Cathedral.

Here are some links below showcasing some previous activities during both Philiptide and other Oratorian Weeks.

+ I.D.S.P.N.


bedwere said...

Are you going to try to have a votive Missa cantata at St. Anne?

hoklochen said...

We could schedule one sometime during Summer. I forwarded the idea of Votive Vespers as part of Seven Churches.