Thursday, May 23, 2024

Two Dioceses, Two Levels of Awareness

We would have you know that the presence of green altar cloths, green commercial sanctuary banners, and other green Novus Ordo decorations at this year's Whitsun Vespers were not a generous nod to the vestments that would be used for Pentecost at the yet-to-be-built Ukrainian Catholic Church down the road in Santee. More likely, as we wrote on Instagram, it would appear that the army of parish decorators immediately set up for the Feast of the Tears of Paul VI immediately following the conclusion of the 10AM Mass. Perhaps they were more eager to say "come untimely green" rather than "come Holy Ghost." After all, it removes the need for the parish decorators to have to go back to church on Monday. Fratellino, who provided the images here, has his own comment below.

From Fratellino:

Veni Creator Spiritus. Pentecost has come at last. Full Masses at Holy Martyrs, Murrieta; and Vespers at Guardian Angels, Santee, where exactly one person (NOT a parishioner) bothered to attend. What a difference a diocese makes!


bedwere said...

Papal tears do not move me: chi è causa del suo mal, pianga sè stesso.

hoklochen said...

Nine wasted tears, nine wasted years (on that Papal throne).

bedwere said...

BTW, did Father forget to consecrate a large host?

hoklochen said...

Was the case again.

bedwere said...
