Friday, September 27, 2024

A Recently Painted St. Philip Statuette

During his visit to London around St. Philip's Day this past spring, Frater David Latorre purchased a statuette of St. Philip at the Oratory gift shop. As can be seen in the photo below, it initially came unpainted. As Fratellino pointed out, besides some details in the cassock, this gift shop statuette is a very faithful depiction of St. Philip. Paintwork was done by a friend of Frater Roberto Lionello and his wife Grace.

During our usual conclusion of Monday night practice with Compline, Frater David placed the statuette on the mantle next to the crucifix. This recently painted statuette makes a wonderful addition to the Brothers' devotional objects, and it was recommended to the San Diego Brothers' current postulants that they themselves should obtain something similar during their visit to London for admissions.

(Courtesy: David)

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