A package arrived in (or on) my mailbox, recently. I knew from the sealing wax it must be from abroad, probably from England, and therefore likely had an Oratorian connection! The Brothers were duly informed of its (not entirely unexpected) arrival.
Last Monday night it was presented at the regular rehearsal. Some time was spent in speculating about its contents. What could it contain?
Imagine our delight to find within not only an example of a proper "fascia" with real Oratorian tassels (from Gammarelli's Ecclesiastical Tailors in Rome)...
...but probably the only Precious Blood robe on the North American Continent! The Precious Blood robe is meant to be worn in altar service, procession, and adoration, over collar and tie by members of the Archiconfraternity of the Precious Blood, established in England at the London Oratory by Fr. Faber in the 1860's. All Brothers of the Little Oratory at London are simultaneously enrolled at the time of their admission to the Brothers, and are entitled to wear the robe of the Archconfraternity.
The robes were recently renewed at London, and one was earmarked by a benefactor, and graciously sent over to the San Diego Brothers to be replicated. We hope to undertake this work as soon as possible and to have at least four to six completed by Candlemas, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 2 February.
The San Diego Brothers are most grateful for this gift, and recognize fully the unusual degree of trust that has been placed in them to dispose of it constructively. We are indeed blessed, and hope to make the best use of this wonderful gift.
If you would like to contribute to the replication of the Precious Blood robes for the Brothers of the Little Oratory in San Diego, please contact us. All donations to the Brothers of the Little Oratory are fully TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
The guy in the black shirt looks like a lunatic. :-)
"The guy in the black shirt looks like a lunatic. :-)"
Ah, if you only knew him as I do! ;-)
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