Monday, December 9, 2013

Advent Reflections - The Second Week of Advent: The Baptist Announces the Christ

Continuation from the 2006 EWTN program series... 

The Second Week of Advent: The Baptist Announces the Christ 
Host - Fr. Ronald Creighton-Jobe, Cong. Orat. (Father Prefect of the Brothers)

Listen here: Link to EWTN mp3 program (please excuse the intermittent gaps of silence in the original programming to allow for commercial spots)

Fr. Creighton-Jobe speaks of the longing of the Hebrew people for the fulfillment of redemption only the Messiah could bring. John the Baptist, last of the Old Testament prophets, declares the way to restore the relationship of friendship with God is by repentance and baptism. Christ then assimilates John’s work into his own, allowing people to share in his divine life.

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