Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advent Reflections - The Third Week of Advent: Mary, the Mother of God

Sandro Botticelli
Madonna of the Magnificat, c. 1481

Continuation from the 2006 EWTN program series... 

The Third Week of Advent: Mary, the Mother of God 
Host - Fr. Ronald Creighton-Jobe, Cong. Orat. (Father Prefect of the Brothers)

Listen here: Link to EWTN mp3 program (please excuse the intermittent gaps of silence in the original programming to allow for commercial spots)

Fr. Creighton-Jobe singles out the Mother of Jesus as a disciple of Christ who led a contemplative life, pondering her Son’s actions for their redemptive meaning for all humanity. Mary gives praise to God as the author of salvation and the source of all grace. She exemplifies Christ’s way of service as the means of gaining grace for all.

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