Monday, May 19, 2008

A Picture worth a Thousand Words

The Holy Father's weekend visit to Genoa was notable in many way, not only for his strong and encouraging remarks on resisting compromise with the spirit of the world, and his prayers at the tomb of Cardinal Siri, a staunch defender of the Hermeneutic of Continuity even before the phrase was coined, but also for his reception of a gift of a painting showing the Holy Father praying at the shrine of the Madonna of the Genoa Oratory! Here are some details from Shawn Tribe at New Liturgical Movement:

"You may be aware that this coming weekend Pope Benedict will visit Savona and Genoa. Sunday morning, he will visit the Shrine of the Madonna della Guardia near Genoa. There, the Archiepiscopal Curia of Genoa will present him with a painting by the Greek artist Giorgio Oikonomoy. It is an oil painting (1,30 x 1,50) which shows Pope Benedict praying before the Madonna of the Oratory of St. Philipp Neri. The picture, according to the artist, "represents the baroque continuity, most noble artistic expression of Genoa"."

The Oratory of Genoa was founded in 1645, and is currently served by four priests. One wonders just how coincidental it is that the Madonna of the Genoese Oratory was chosen for this depiction, or just what the Oratorian connection is, but whatever it is we are thankful for her prayers and intercession on behalf of our Holy Father Benedict XVI.

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